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Fall Studio Stretch #2 IMG-0296.jpg

handmade in Vermont

We are Jim Schneider and Marilyn Chattin, potters living and working at the end of a long dirt road on a hilltop in Southern Vermont. We converted an outbuilding on our property into a studio for our two pottery wheels and three kilns, where we design, make and fire pottery year round.

a contemporary sensibility grounded in classic forms

Our pieces are thrown on a wheel or hand built from slabs. We create texture by altering and carving into the surface of the clay while wet. We formulate our own glazes from raw materials in our studio, applying them to the pots in sequential steps using glaze-over-glaze layering, wax resist, and glaze trailing techniques. The final kiln firing reaches 2200 degrees and takes about 24 hours to complete.


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"We love living with the quiet elegance of your pottery."

— Sarah and Matthew, Pennsylvania


distinctive designs both beautiful to look at and a pleasure to use

We love meeting our customers at fine craft shows throughout the Northeastern United States, where we’ve been selling our work for 40 years. We can’t wait until we’ll be able to see you all again.